The business is well aware of the ongoing AI transformation in the respective industry
The business has a well-defined AI strategy that aligns with its overall vision and goals
The business model has been adapted to leverage AI, identifying new revenue streams or ways to optimize operations
The business has defined key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the impact of AI initiatives
The business has a clear vision of how AI can enhance its products, services, and operations
The business actively monitors industry trends, competitors, and has insights from the industry landscape on AI adoption
Cross-functional collaboration is encouraged, enabling different departments to work together on different initiatives
Employees are empowered to suggest innovations and new solutions
The company's culture promotes experimentation and emphasizes learning from experiences
There exist clear communication lines to keep the workforce engaged on different initiatives
The organization stays updated on tech trends to identify new opportunities for innovation and optimization
The company cultivates a culture of continuous learning, motivating employees to keep a tab on the latest developments in their relevant space
There exists a clear set of rules, guidelines, and procedures to oversee the development, deployment, and use of AI technologies
There are clearly defined roles and responsibilities for decision-making related to AI initiatives
The lack of transparency and understandability of different AI technologies is acceptable for stakeholders
The organization has a well-structured change management plan in place for AI adoption
Employees are provided with training and support to transition smoothly to AI-enabled processes
The business is aware of the ethical considerations and compliance with industry-specific regulations relating to AI
The business has a well-structured data strategy in place, ensuring high-quality, diverse, and accessible data
The data being collected is relevant to major business objectives and decision making
The IT infrastructure is capable of handling advanced workloads efficiently, with the ability to scale as needed
There are robust mechanisms in place for data security and privacy
The business has a dedicated technical team comprising data scientists, engineers, and domain experts
The business is open to collaborate with external AI experts or research institutions
AI news sparks discussions on innovative AI applications and drives decision making
Conscious efforts have been made to leverage AI solutions (such as ChatGPT) for business purposes
AI tools have been integrated in business workflows
The knowledge around overlapping concepts such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, GenAI etc. is not overwhelming
Key stakeholders, including leadership and relevant teams, have a solid understanding of AI capabilities, and limitations
Leadership is aware of potential biases and ethical concerns associated with AI
There are several business processes that include repetitive tasks or manual data entry
The organization seeks input from customers, clients, and stakeholders to understand pain points and areas for improvement
The organisation is aware of bottlenecks in current processes that hamper efficient working
Cross-functional teams with representatives from different departments work together to brainstorm workflows improvements
There exist several decision-making junctions which rely on organisational data (formal or informal)
The business has identified a range of AI use cases across different functions